Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Illustrator Notes

Illustrator notes

(I) Watch Mr. Webb's demonstration and post notes to do the following on your blog:
- Creating a new canvas (document)
     press Command+N to make a new canvas
     3 sections of Adobe Illustrator (Toolbox [left], Menu bar [at the top], Panels [right])
     PROFILE: Print, SIZE: Letter, ORIENTATION: Portait

- Interface navigation, drawing tools (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool)
    Rectangle Tool (M) - makes squares and rectangles with sharp edges
    Rounded rectangle tool - makes rectangles with rounded edges
    Ellipse tool - draw circles and ovals
    Polygon Tool - draws convex regular polygons.
    Star tool - draws stars; to add more edges tap the up arrow, to remove edges tap the down arrow; to     control the sharpness of the star, hold the command key while drawing the star.

   Selection Tool (V)- looks like a black arrow.  Use to select objects that you want to move, copy or     delete.

    Pen Tool (P) - draws line segments and curves

- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color
First, select your object or line.  
Second, click on the fill color box to set the fill color. 
OR, click on the stroke color box to set the stroke color

- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web)
Save for Adobe Illustrator = (.ai) <<Can ONLY be opened in Illustrator.
Save for the Internet/Your blog = (.jpeg, .gif, .png) << Can be uploaded to your blog.

Illustrator practice

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monochromatic:containing or using only one color

-Negative Space: the space that surrounds an object in a image.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2a - Elements of Design

What is a calligram?

a word or piece of text in which the design and layout of the letters creates a visual image related to the meaning of the words themselves.
photography words form a camera
ingredients form a cupcake

labeled body parts to form a human

What is a pictogram?
a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase.
no pets
 throw trash in a trashcan

male & female

What is a rebus?
a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters
I hope you can read this when you have time. eye, can, watch, and the letter "U"

The Pursuit of Happiness. purse, suit, and bowling pin
train of thought. the word "thought"and train parts

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Signs & Visual Communications, Part 1

- Alphabet; letters. the break down of  words

-Street sign: a sign which shows your destination

-Advertisement: paid announcement to the public

-Constellation: group of stars that form pictures

-ASCII symbols: most modern character-encoding schemes 

-Electronic symbols:pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices

-Morse Code:a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment.

-American Sign Language:a form of sign language developed in the US and used also in English-speaking parts of Canada.

-Glyph:a hieroglyphic character or symbol; a pictograph.